Where to Begin?

Where to Begin? "Vulnerable Strength" Really....? That's what you want to call this blog??? Who in the world is going to read beyond this crazy title? Anyone??? Bueller,,,,, Bueller.....??? Why is it that I have to think and rethink myself out of EVERY.... SINGLE..... THING, that I feel called to do? The lies in my heads are loud and clear - THIS IS STUPID! You are not good enough, or worthy enough to share....haven't you learned your lesson yet? The proverbial angel on my right shoulder says - "You are worthy"...."You are uniquely made....and your stories have meaning"...."You have purpose". The Questions is?.....what am I doing here? What do I want to do with this blog? I have TONS of thoughts. It all started with me watching my son grow and change, and I find myself up every night reminiscing about the good, the bad, and the downright crazy that has occurred over my life time and his....how life goes...